開催日時 | 2019年1月15日(火) 14:00~16:45(13:30受付開始) |
会場 | 工学院大学新宿キャンパス・3階・アーバンテックホール →アクセスマップはこちら |
対象 | どなたでもご参加いただけます |
定員 | 250人 |
参加費 | 無料 |
プログラム | 13:30~ 受付開始 14:00~14:20 開会挨拶 14:20~15:20 第1部 基調講演 トマス・ボック氏(ミュンヘン工科大学教授/東京大学特任教授) 15:30~16:40 第2部 パネルディスカッション 16:40~16:45 閉会挨拶 |
お申し込み | 参加をご希望の方は、「お名前」「ご所属」「連絡先メールアドレス」を1月10日(木)までに下記までメールにてお知らせください。 gtsinfo@sc.kogakuin.ac.jp ※当日参加も可能ですが、事前申込にご協力ください。 |
Thomas Bock
The research activities of Prof. Bock (b. 1957) center since 35 years on automation and robotics in construction. He worked in Iran, Germany and Spain where he designed modular building systems and supervised its prefabrication and on site construction. He holds a commercial pilot license in USA since 1979. In his research activities he designs the product as well as the process of robotic construction from planning, robotic prefabrication, on site robotics, robotic building maintenance its robotic renovation and demolition. For Japan Science Society he developed in 1985/88 the notion of “life support systems” inspired by space stations to empower elderly for independent life, work and mobility by robotic environment for an aging society. He studied architecture at the University of Stuttgart. Multi use high rise at IIT in Chicago and did his doctorate at the University of Tokyo on construction robotics. He held a “poste rouge” at CNRS in France and established first European construction robotics commission in Paris. In 1989 he became professor for automation in construction management at the civil engineering faculty of Karlsruhe University before becoming chair professor for building realization and robotics in 1997 at TU Munich. He is the cofounder and director of the International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction, director of the Asian Habitat Society in Beijing, the International Institute of Construction Information in Tokyo etc.. Prof. Bock was/is an advisor to various ministries for construction robotization an industrialization. He is a member of several academies. In 2017 he obtained the DFG Seibold award for 35 years cofounding robotics in construction. He co/authored about 500 articles and holds various honorary professorships, doctorship, fellowship, visiting and special assigned professorships, is editorial member of several journals and publishes the 5 volume book series on “Construction Robotics” with Cambridge University Press since 2015.