大倉利典教授(応用化学科)が「International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM)」 より「IAAM Medal - 2017」を受賞しました。2017年3月11日~16日に Diamond Princess Cruise 船上で開催された Asian Advanced Materials Congress (ASAMC) 2017 において受賞式が行われ、招待講演「Synthesis and Na+ conduction properties of Narpsio glass-ceramics」を行いました。
International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM)
IAAM is an international organization to provide research and education forum for the developments of the rapidly expanding field of Advanced Materials Science, Engineering and Technology in all over world. The major goal of IAAM to focus on specific aspects of polymers, composite materials, magnetic materials, structural materials, constructional and engineering materials, biomaterials, computational materials, energy harvesting materials and energy-transfer materials, optical and electronic materials, environmental and green materials, etc. at macro and nano levels.