Laboratory for High Energy Physics

Takashi WATANABE: Professor

The International Linear Collider (ILC) was proposed to answer our scientific problems, the standard model and beyond it, understanding the fundamental components of the universe, and so on. Our laboratory joined this kind of project more than 20 years ago (at that time, we proposed JLC as internal project in Japan and it was merged with other proposals. This is the ILC). Now, we are the member of the LCTPC collaboration which was formed to join the international efforts to develop a high performance TPC for the physics at ILC. Please check the web site (

Topics of research
  • Study of the standard model and beyond the standard model with electron-positoron collider, ILC
keyword High Energy Physics / The International Linear Collider (ILC) / The Particle Detector / The History of our Universe
Original Website

Graduate School of Engineering